Your Simple & Spacious Business
Your Simple & Spacious Business
It’s okay if your income fluctuates in your business

It’s okay if your income fluctuates in your business

Photo credit: Unsplash

I recently published a piece on my Substack called: dear small business owner: it’s okay to have fluctuating income.

It’s a topic I wish we talked about more as small business owners - the natural highs and lows and ebbs and flows of entrepreneurship and normalise that income growth isn’t always linear (and that maintaining our income instead of always chasing more, more, more is a beautiful choice too!)

So in today’s episode I’m expanding on that piece a little and sharing with you the lessons I’ve learned about navigating fluctuating income in our business and my overall mindset when it comes to money and business too.

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Find out more about how I support business owners to bring more freedom, ease, and intentional growth into their work and life.

Join me on Substack.

Listen to my other podcast Letters From A Hopeful Creative

Your Simple & Spacious Business is produced by Sonics Podcasts

Your Simple & Spacious Business
Your Simple & Spacious Business
I’m Jen Carrington, an online business guide and I’ve spent the past nine years building and running my own simple and spacious business and supporting hundreds of my clients in theirs too.
In this show I’ll be diving into the ways we can bring more simplicity, ease, joy, and intention to our work - through both the nitty gritty practical shifts and all of the mindset shifts that comes with running your own business too.
This podcast isn’t here to tell you how to build and run your business, instead I want to support you to build and run your business in whatever way truly works best for you.